Save on your warehouse costs

Use our mini warehousing and pallet storage service and you could cut the amount of expensive warehouse space you need.

Save on your temporary space costs

Are you paying for full-time space you only use part-time? You can use our business storage units, office space and warehousing for just as long as you need - there's no long-term commitment.

Save on your staffing costs

There's no need for your business storage unit to be attended at all times -- it's safe and secure for when you need it.

Save on your legal costs (and paperwork)

Are you worried about committing to a long lease when you don't know how your needs will change? With our business storage you don't have to sign any leases and there's no long-term commitment.

Save on your office costs

Are you using expensive space for storage or paying lots of rent, rates or utilities? See what you could save with Lok'nStore's flexible office space.