Rule 2.7 Announcement

  1. Rule 2.7 announcement Linked Here

Director Irrevocable Undertakings

  1. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Andrew Jacobs) Linked Here
  2. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Bridget Barker) Linked Here
  3. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Charles Peal) Linked Here
  4. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Jeffrey Woyda) Linked Here
  5. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Neil Newman-Shepherd) Linked Here
  6. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Raymond Davies) Linked Here
  7. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Richard Holmes) Linked Here
  8. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Simon Thomas) Linked Here
  9. Director Irrevocable Undertaking (Thomas Lampard) Linked Here

Offer Related Arrangements

  1. Confidentiality letter Linked Here

Rule 2.7 Consent Letters

  1. Consent letter (Goldman Sachs) Linked Here
  2. Consent letter (Cavendish) Linked Here
  3. Consent letter (JPM) Linked Here

Rule 2.11 Communication following Rule 2.7 Announcement

  1. Rule 2.11 letter to shareholders and persons with information rights Linked Here
  2. Rule 2.11 letter to employees Linked Here
  3. Rule 2.11 letter to option holders Linked Here

Bidder Financing Documents

  1. Bridge facility agreement Linked Here
  2. Arrangement fee letter Linked Here

Opening Position Disclosure and Dealing Disclosures

  1. Lok'nStore Group Plc - Opening Position Disclosure Linked Here
  2. Form 8 (DD) Andrew Jacobs Linked Here
  3. Form 8 (DD) Raymond Davies Linked Here
  4. Form 8 (DD) Neil Newman-Shepherd Linked Here
  5. Form 8 (DD) Thomas Lampard Linked Here
  6. Form 8 (DD) Rhys Warren-Thomas Linked Here

Scheme Document

  1. Announcement of timing of publication of the Scheme Document Linked Here
  2. Scheme Document Linked Here
  3. Announcement of Publication of Scheme Document Linked Here
  4. Court Meeting Form of Proxy Linked Here
  5. General Meeting Form of Proxy Linked Here
  6. Asset valuation report of Jones Lang LaSalle Linked Here

Documents Incorporated by Reference

  1. Lok'nStore Audited Accounts FY22 Linked Here
  2. Lok'nStore Audited Accounts FY23 Linked Here
  3. Lok'nStore Interim Results FY24 Linked Here
  4. Shurgard Audited Accounts FY22 Linked Here
  5. Shurgard Audited Accounts FY23 Linked Here
  6. Shurgard Quarterly Results FY24 Linked Here

Company Documents

  1. Current articles of association of Lok'nStore Group plc Linked Here
  2. Proposed amended articles of association of Lok'nStore Group plc Linked Here
  3. Current articles of association of Shurgard Self Storage Limited Linked Here

Share Plan Communications

  1. Rule 15 Letter to Participants in the Partnership Performance Plan Linked Here
  2. Form of Election for Participants in the Partnership Performance Plan Linked Here
  3. Rule 15 Letter to Participants in the Company Share Option Plan Linked Here
  4. Form of Election for Participants in the Company Share Option Plan Linked Here
  5. Rule 15 Letter to Participants in the Unapproved Option Plan Linked Here
  6. Form of Election for Participants in the Unapproved Option Plan Linked Here
  7. Letter to Participants in the Share Incentive Plan Linked Here

Consent Letters

  1. Scheme Document Consent Letter (Goldman Sachs) Linked Here
  2. Scheme Document Consent Letter (Cavendish) Linked Here
  3. Scheme Document Consent Letter (JPM) Linked Here
  4. Scheme Document Consent Letter (JLL) Linked Here
  5. Rule 15 Consent Letter (Goldman Sachs) Linked Here
  6. Rule 15 Consent Letter (Cavendish) Linked Here


   1.  Results of Court Meeting and General Meeting (Lok'nStore Announcement) Linked Here

   2.  Results of Court Meeting and General Meeting (Shurgard Announcement) Linked Here

   3.  Announcement of Sanction of Scheme Linked Here

   4. Announcement of Exercise of Options and Rule 2.9 Disclosures Linked Here