What are the opening hours?

The usual working hours are: 8.30am – 6pm Monday to Friday (8.30am – 8pm on Thursdays), 9am – 4pm on Saturdays, and 10am - 4pm on Sundays. However, they do vary from store to store. These times vary on bank holidays and over other holiday periods including Christmas. Weekends and late-night Thursdays are usually shared between each team member on a rota.

Will I have to work weekends and bank holidays?

The short answer is yes, you will have to work some weekends and some bank holidays on a rota basis. However, you won’t have to work all of them, as there will be a team of 3/4 members at the store who will take turns to work weekends and bank holidays. This is the same with the one late evening a week, usually a Thursday.

Will I have to relocate?

No, unless you want to. You apply to an individual centre meaning that you choose where you are going to work, so no relocating unless you want to do so.

What is the typical career path?

The company offers lots of internal training courses and supports members doing their NVQs, by doing these courses you are putting yourselves in a better position to work your way up the career ladder. We have recently promoted our 14th Customer service assistant to the manager, and in the previous year, we had customer service assistants work their way up to head office and regional manager roles.

How much holiday will I get?

You will receive 28 days' holiday including bank holidays. You will always receive an extra 1 day a year holiday for every year of service at Lok’nStore, up to a total of 33 days including bank holidays.

What is the structure of the business?

There is 3 or 4 members of staff in each store, one member of this team will be the centre manager. Every store has a regional manager who is the first point of call. Our Head Office is based in our Farnborough store; our CST, operations, finance teams are based there, you will have regular contact with the head office team.

Will I receive training?

You will receive on the job training from day one! You will also have the chance to take part in many if not all of our training courses from our Lok’nStore academy. Which will help you develop and improve upon the key skills you need, as well as help you climb up the career ladder.